Wednesday, January 23, 2019

How To Choose A Domain Name For Your Website

Name Your Domain With Keywords Or Brand

This topic creates a lot of controversy. There are many people who support domains with keywords and others who support domains with brand names. It is better to choose the option that best fits your goals. By this I mean that, choosing between names for a blog with keyword and brand name will depend on the type of traffic you are hoping to attract to your blog.

Domains that are based on keywords go to the point. If you are going to set up a blog about male beauty it is very clear that you are going to try that blog, right? Or are you going to call it that and you're going to talk about feminine beauty? Any captures the essence of the blog much faster than if it were "beauty foredooms", a brand name that is formed by the word "beauty" (beauty). From my experience, the keyword option will position you at a vertigo speed (as long as you follow the advice of my guide). The second one will cost a little more, but it will also come, because at the end of what it is about is to add value to the user. Create brand and differentiation, the use of a unique nickname is a great way to create additional value to your domain name. Also one can take help of Best Web Design Company India when going to choose domain name for their website.

Choose The Appropriate Extension

If you are not worried about direct traffic, brand or name recognition, you should not worry about this point too much. However, if you are clear that you want to build a website with long-term success  (I understand that this is the case), you should worry about all these elements, since directing traffic to the .net or .org is fine, but owning and doing a 301 redirect from the .com is critical. With the exception of those who know the network and technology very well, most people who use the network still make the automatic assumption that .com is all there is out there (and there are many millions. Do you want to lose them? ). Also if you want to do SEO India then it is best to choose domain name with the keyword as it help to optimized the site easily.

The Domain Name Should Be Easy To Remember

Remember that word of mouth and leadership in the SERPs (where your domain will appear in searches related to the sector), are based on the ease with which the domain stays in the mind of the potential customer or lead. You do not want to be an individual, company or brand with a domain name that nobody remembers with great ease when they are going to tell their friends, because of the difficulty of bringing it to mind. Digital Marketing Company In India suggest to have domain which is easy to remember.